Buying and Selling Keys

On Pyra, fans needs to hold keys to access exclusive content from creators. Keys are non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that represent access to a creator's private content. There are different levels of rarity for keys, and the rarer the key, the more exclusive the content it unlocks.

How to trade a key

  1. Visit a creator's page. On the right side of the banner, you will see a Trade Key button. Key price and sales are displayed below.

  2. Click the Trade Key button. A dialog will pop up. Select the tier you want to trade.

  3. Buy - You can only buy 1 key at a time. Key price will be calculated automatically based on how many are currently circulating.

  4. Sell - You can only sell 1 key at a time. You need to select which key you want to sell by its ID. Key price will be calculated automatically based on how many are currently circulating and how long it has been mint.

Subscription fee

No trading fees are charged on key transactions. However, a subscription fee will be charged each month after you purchase a key. Keys are designed to be a recurring revenue stream for creators. Each key has a one-year expiration period, and its remaining value will linearly contribute to the revenue pool over 12 months, which will be distributed to the creator and shareholders.

Last updated